Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It's September.. !

Oh me oh my, fall time is around the corner once again, and I must write. Fall is by far one of my favorite seasons... I am so excited for fall color, scents and flavors! And speaking of seasons changing, I am now getting nestled into a new surrounding, a new home- Dallas. The city is big, and a little intimidating, but I am excited to find my little niches. My lovely friends, Mark and Rebekah Wampler have graciously welcomed me into their home, and I now have a new biggest fan- Davie, their loving pup.

So, here I am, yet another move, another change.. I am learning that in the midst of the swirling chaos of a storm, I might as well position myself in the eye, seek what peace I can, and wait it out.. At some point the storm has to subside, and the rebuilding will hopefully be stronger than before.

It's funny really, even in the darkest hour, during the most incredible storm, little rays of hope and love show themselves. For instance, being in Dallas, I will be able to help my cousin and his wife with their new little baby girl. I will be their closest family. I have been graced with the opportunity to re-kindle precious friendships and make some pretty awesome new ones. God graces me with love even when I feel like I don't deserve it or want it, without restraint. He loves even the ugliest, most wretched me I can be, He loves me.

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